All about
Mary Kay
of Mary kay
For more than 60 years, Mary Kay has been empowering women to be their own bosses, to be self-starters and to be who they truly want to be. Mary Kay has a core value of faith first, family second, career third.
The Mary Kay
Fits your life
Fits your life
The Mary Kay
Helps you be who you want to be
Helps you be who you want to be
The Mary Kay
has products you can believe in
has products you can believe in
The Mary Kay
is full of love
is full of love
My Pink Story
All about
our unit
Eager to jump in?
The first step in starting a Mary Kay business is with Mary Kay eStart!
PLUS a beautifully branded website for one year and apps, education, digital tools, and digital marketing resources to help you manage your business!
optional add-ons
Build your ideal Mary Kay business with one or both of these options! Customize your Startup Experience anytime within your first 15 Days!
This startup option includes essential business resources and product samples to share with your first customers!
Pro Start
This startup option can help empower your sales with retail-sized products and additional business resources!
Over $400
SRP value!
text the word “join” to
(210) 756-2550
text the word “join” to
(210) 756-2550
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